About Us

KK Agencies
KKA Business is involved in E-commerce and Retail operations of ORGANIC Fertilizers & Agro Seeds (SPC), SPICES, NUTS and DRY FRUITS. Manufacturing of FRESH LIVE Flours & Edible Oils especially Chakki fresh Coconut Oil, Cold press Almond, Mustard, Sesame & Peanut Oil right in front of you. KKA is also involved in providing EDUCATION & TALENT support powered by PRANA INSIGHT Online Tution App; for our children and society.

KKA Organic Fertilizers & Agro Seeds ( SPC Franchise)
SPC emphasizes sustainable farming methods that enhance the health of the ecosystem and produce safe and nutritious food. SPC’s advanced manufacturing methods and technology ensures that our products are with the highest quality and effectiveness. SPC truly rely on organic agriculture that sustains the health of soil, ecosystems and people.

KKA Spices ,Dry Fruits and Live Flours & Edible Oil
We are one of the core supplier of value-added Pulses, Cereals , Spices , Dry fruits , Fresh Live Flours and Edible Oils (Chakki fresh Coconut oil ,Cold press Almond, Mustard, Sesame & peanut Oil )
across Kerala and abroad upon request . We process top quality fresh live flours and various Edible Oil without preservatives added right in front of you. Our brand and products are a staple of top quality and excellence.
KKA Principles
Contribution to Society
We will conduct ourselves at all times in accordance with the Basic Management Objective, faithfully fulfilling our responsibilities as industrialists to the communities in which we operate.
Honesty and fairness
We will be fair and honest in all our business dealings and personal conduct. No matter how talented and knowledgeable we may be, without personal integrity, we can neither earn the respect of others, nor enhance our own self-respect.
Cooperation & Team Spirit
We will pool our abilities to accomplish our shared goals. No matter how talented we are as individuals, without cooperation and team spirit we will be a company in name only.
Untiring Effort for Improvement
We will strive constantly to improve our ability to contribute to society through our business activities. Only through this untiring effort can we fulfill our Basic Management Objective and help to realize lasting peace and prosperity.
Courtesy and Humility
We will always be cordial and modest, respecting the rights and needs of others in order to strengthen healthy social relationships and improve the quality of life in our communities.
We will continually adapt our thinking and behavior to meet the ever-changing conditions around us, taking care to act in harmony with nature to ensure progress and success in our endeavors.
We will act out of a sense of gratitude for all the benefits we have received, confident that this attitude will be a source of unbounded joy and vitality, enabling us to overcome any obstacles we encounter
KKA Mission
To create a healthy society by providing non preservative healthy food and promote natural, sustainable, organic, agricultural practices that serve and protect Mother Nature.
KKA Vision
To be a preferred organic partner in the growth of our country and to conserve nature by providing pesticide free solutions for agricultural and food practices.

Why choose KKA Fertilizer ?
SPC , Our Franchise’s mission is to eradicate pollution and conserve the nature by organic farming solutions. SPC manufactures and distributes certified organic fertilizers in technical association with M/s Rohini Agro Science having NPOP (National Programming for Organic Productivity) and ISO 9001: 2015 and WHO- GMP certificates. These products are used in various agricultural, horticultural and plantation crops. Currently SPC have pan- India presence in supporting various organic organizations.
As we all know due to the present agricultural practice of using Chemical fertilizers and Chemical Pest Controls leads to different type of ailments, to make a change our agricultural practice towards more ORGANIC. As you are aware Central and State governments are supporting this move a big way.
Why choose KKA Spices & Flours ?
KKA holds trust by emphasizing freshness & purity . we process high quality Live flours and various edible oil right in front of you. Our brand and products are a staple of top quality and excellence.
Why Choose KKA Education support?
PRANA INSIGHT , Our Franchise providing Quality tuition support for students from all syllabi and medium ,Class taking by Efficient and experienced teachers, Multi-lingual , VISUAL LEARNING with the help of graphic design technology, the study material provided is fully interactive for the students.